Why not sponsor Chapel or chapter house Window for posterity?
I am writing to you, as one of our Full Knights, before we release this proposal to the affiliates and supporters. It is a privilege that befits your rank in the Order.
Imagine having your family name immortalized in a beautiful window dedicated to the glory to God in the new Templar Chapel or adjoining Chapter House at St. Donard’s Priory.
Right now, we have 17 windows available for benefactors to choose from. Five in the New Magdalene Chapel and twelve in the Chapter House.
Your decision to sponsor a window, in the memory of a loved one or in your family name, will also provide great assistance in the prompt completion of this new Chapel and Chapter house for our noble Order.
Prices are as thus: Church window dedication, with the name you wish appearing on it as the sponsor for all eternity (or at least until our Lord returns) $800 or £570. The Chapterhouse windows are available for $500 or £360.
There are just seventeen windows available in total, five in the Chapel and twelve in the Chapter house. There will be a high demand to secure these, so please book one now or you may miss out.
Here are some examples and I am sure you will agree that it will be a great thing to have a loved one or your family name remembered in such a prestigious yet humble way in this house of God.
I personally hope and pray that you do indeed take this up, as your name is already special to us. It would be a great honour to worship, study and work in a building where the light radiates through your chosen dedication into the sacred space. Deus Vult!