Barclays Bank Cancel Christians
Barclays Bank Cancel Christians
Follow @KnightsTempOrgBarclays Bank has unilaterally decided to withdraw banking services to one of their customers, a Christian organisation, the Core Issues Trust (CIT), following pressure from high-profile LGBT activists. Barclays has been the lead sponsor of the LGBTQ+ Pride in London parade for several years.
Barclays are following in the footsteps of other financial institutions such as Paypal and MailChimp who also withdrew their services, after high-profile activists targeted their organisations on Twitter.
The Core Issues Trust has been targeted because they offer counselling and support for individuals experiencing unwanted same-sex attraction and gender confusion but nevertheless wish to live by traditional Christian principles.
CIT explicitly condemns and abhors abusive techniques such as electroshock therapy or ‘corrective rape’ and does not employ compulsion or coercion, yet nonetheless they are being accused of ‘conversion therapy’ simply because they help individuals who have decided that they want to be straight.
In addition to the decision by Barclays to withdraw their services, the Core Issues Trust and their CEO Mike Davidson have experienced horrific amounts of abuse both on and offline, including nuisance phone calls and hateful messages expressing a desire that their employees and their families will be killed or raped. They have also been subject to familiar tactics of being signed up to various porn and fetish sites. Social media companies have removed their content, despite it being approved and published online over two years ago and employees have found themselves unable to block aggressive trolls.
The decision of Barclays Bank to withdraw banking facilities, supports and validates this kind of demonisation.
It is not the proper role of a commercial organisation to act as the moral arbiter or police the religious beliefs of their customers. But the unholy alliance between aggressive 'minorities', violent and intolerant leftists and woke corporations have thrown proper roles out of the window.
Tough times are here for Bible-true Christians. Which means that a great time is coming for the Church. Because persecution and martyrdom bravely borne are the foundation stones of Christianity; the more we are persecuted, the more our Faith thrives.