
Priory Update Photos

The long, hard slog to turn an empty attic into a service dormitory space for four extra guests continues!

If you haven't seen the two latest video updates - one by Jim Dowson and Jayda Fransen, the other by Jim alone - then they're on our website and well worth watching.

But in case you haven't had time, here are a few of the latest photos for you.

Jim as the hole to the second attic is punched through the dividing wall in what is going to be the hallway.

A bit like an iceberg! This is the very top of the new, load-bearing wall which now stands from the ground floor right up to the loft. This is part of the structural work to strengthen the first and second floors, and to support the roof so we can maximise the space in the loft conversion.

Another view of the new studwork which will both support the roof and also give us ample storage space in the otherwise wasted space in the eaves.


Warmongers Rocked by Trump Blow for Peace

The warmongers are in shock and denial, and it looks like they're going to end of very depressed indeed!

On top of cutting off the transfer of huge amunts of money and war equipment to Ukraine, Donald Trump's move to balance the unfair tariffs directed agianst the USA by most of its Western allies is posing a drastic threat to NATO.

Priory Tour = Action Replay

Templars at Washington March for Life

With the pro-life cause on a real roll in the new USA, this year's March for Life in Washington DC was really full of hope. The crowds at the rally afterwards were especially happy to be addressed by Vice President V.D. Vance, since it is entirely realistic to see him as the next President, and as such taking the hesitant anti-abortion approach of Donald Trump even fuirther.

Among the enthusiastic and hopeful marcher were two of our brethren, Sir Roger Madison and Seargeant-at-Arms Iwan Egerstrom, who felw all the way from Sweden to fly the flag at the march and rally.

As always, the Knights Templar flag attracted a great of of attentio and a lot of favourable comments. Well done, brothers!

Templar Site Visited

Vigano Hails Trump "Counter-Revolution"

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò marked Candlemas yesterday by sending a wonderful letter celebrating the re-election of Donald J. Trump as the President of the United States, seeing it as a triumph against the globalist agenda. (Full letter below.)

In this letter, released on Sunday, February 2, 2025, Archbishop Viganò warns of the Deep State and Deep Church, explaining how they collude to undermine sovereignty and Christian teachings through woke ideology, mass immigration, and engineered crises. He condemns the UN, WHO, and WEF for promoting population control and accuses Catholic bishops of financial and moral corruption. He urges Christians to reject false obedience, defend truth, and resist evil forces aiming to dismantle natural and divine law. The former papal nuncio to the United States calls for a “counter-revolution of common sense” rooted in faith and action.

“For the first time after years of woke madness, a President of the United States can carry out the program for which he was elected, restoring those principles of natural law that are the basis of civil life and a well-ordered society,” he writes.

“Let us therefore begin to make this counter-revolution of common sense our own, rejecting the lies and deceptions of those who seek to subvert the very foundations of the Natural Law after having trampled on the Divine Law.”

What is Candlemas?

Templars at ProLife Gala Dinner

For the second year in a row, a small Templar delegation attended the Louisiana Right to Life 2025 Proudly Pro-Life Gala.

Our very good brother Sir Roger Madison gave a succinct report on our Discord activism channel:

"This wonderful event was held at the New Orleans Convention Center, the Keynote Speaker was the inspirational Nick Vujicic. He is someone who most women would have aborted; born with no arms, no legs, and one small, deformed foot. He is a well-spoken gentleman, who made aconvincing argument that we all have a purpose in life.

"The event coordinator placed us both at the same table, with four priests and four of their seminary students."

Longstanding Templar brother Richard Burl told us: "Sir Roger and I had a great time at the Gala. People were awed at who we were just like last year. We're seriously making an impact upon the public."
Very well done, chaps, we're sure a lot of people will have noted your presence and thus the Order's staunch pro-life position. Deus Vult!

Veluxes Ordered - Let's Keep This Rolling!

The Priory Project is really rolling now! A flurry of very timely donations allowed us to order the veluxe roof windows and emergency fire exits for the conversion of the two attic rooms. Once these are installed we will really be on the home straight with this very important part of the scheme to maximise the number of people we can accomodate for all sorts of future events and emergencies.

Huge thanks to the brethren and supporters who helped us over the veluxe appeal line in good time.

We have now been told that problems with dispatch to Northern Ireland mean that they'll take a bit longer to arrive than if we were on the UK mainland, but everything is in hand.

While we wait for them, our builder will press on with other jobs up there, including boxing in under the eaves and punching a door through the internal dividing wall. This means that the next week's work will cost "buttons" in terms of materials, but of course we still have to pay for labour. So if by chance you weren't able to help out with the veluxe order but are now in a position to chip in, your help would be appreciated every bit as much.

The conversion and extensive renovation of a large - and formerly very run-down - house is a massive undertaking, especially given the high standards to which all our building work is always done. This project is absoutely vital but, to be blunt, it is an enormous strain on the organisation and on Brother Jim who acts as Project Manager, in addition to all his other roles.

Hence, even if you can afford a small donation of perhaps twenty pounds or fifty bucks, it would be an important and muh appreciated gesture. If you're all spent out, don't worry about it, but if you can help, please do! God bless you and yours in any case.



The Knights Templar Order