Brits Jailed, Islamists Walk Free

Brits Jailed, Islamists Walk Free

Not one single person has ever been prosecuted for membership of the UK’s ‘most dangerous Islamist group’ despite followers launching numerous terror attacks.

Supporters of Anjem Choudary’s al-Muhajiroun (ALM) organisation carried out atrocities including the London Bridge attack, 7/7 bombings and murder of Lee Rigby, while others fought for Isis, al-Qaeda and the Taliban abroad.

The government banned ALM as a terrorist group in 2006, making membership a criminal offence punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

But a senior counterterror officer has now admitted that despite police identifying a staggering 600 current or former associates, none of them has been prosecuted for membership.
This is a stark contrast to the position with National Action, the ugly fake Hitlerite death-cult sponsored by the UK’s security forces to act as a honeytrap for angry and naive young idiots. While its Judas-goat Satanist leaders and wealthy political sugar-daddies have – of course – not been prosecuted, every single person identified as an ordinary member has been prosecuted. Most are now serving long prison sentences, purely for alleged membership.

The Metropolitan Police officer, who is codenamed Witness M because of an anonymity order, told inquests into the London Bridge attack that suspects had been arrested but not charged.

A survivor of the 2005 London bombings, which were carried out by terrorists linked to ALM, said she was concerned by the lack of prosecutions.



