The LGBTQ+ Agenda: Build-a-Bear's new 'Rupaul' drag queen bear

The LGBTQ+ Agenda: Build-a-Bear's new 'Rupaul' drag queen bear

'Start your engines—RuPaul Bear is ready to sashay into your collection,' the item's description on 'The Bear Cave' website — an 18+ section of the Build-a-Bear site.

The bear comes with a curly blonde wig, gold sequin dress, and gold pumps and includes the 'RuPaul's Drag Race' logo on the bear's paw.

The drag queen bear is stated as being included in 'The Bear Cave' but still shown on the general website which is accessible to all.

Of course, this begs the question, why is there even an “18+ shoppers” section at a teddy bear store?

Remember: there's absolutely no agenda to groom your kids - that's just a conspiracy theory....isn't it?!



