Dying Europe Votes to Kill More Babies

Dying Europe Votes to Kill More Babies

Faced with a demographic catastrophe of crushed birthrates and soaring replacement immigration, the European Parliament just approved a report which sets out the EU's plans to deal with the existential crisis - kill even more European babies! And principled doctors who object to murdering unborn children will now face persecution for 'gender-based violence'.

During a plenary session of the European Parliament, the politicians voted in favour of the pro-abortion report, 378-255, with 42 abstentions. A press statement released by the Parliament after the vote declared that “sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) [are] a fundamental pillar of women’s rights and gender equality that cannot in any way be watered down or withdrawn.” Accordingly, the Parliament urged EU member states “to ensure women are offered high quality, comprehensive and accessible SRHR, and to remove all barriers impeding them from using these services.”

These 'services' include “[a]ccess to abortion, contraception and sexuality education,” informing those EU countries with “highly restrictive laws prohibiting abortion [like Poland]” that they now violate a woman’s “human rights.” The report now requires “all member states to ensure universal access” to what the EU calls “safe and legal abortion, and guarantee that abortion on request is legal in early pregnancy, and beyond if the pregnant person’s health is in danger.”

Not satisfied with expanding the definition of abortion to become a human right, the report also diminishes conscience rights, framing objections to abortion as the denial of “care” and “a form of gender-based violence.” “MEPs regret that some member states allow medical practitioners, and even entire medical institutions, refuse the provision of health services because of a so-called conscience clause,” the Parliament’s statement reads. “This leads to the denial of abortion care on the grounds of religion or conscience and puts women’s lives in danger.”

MEPs also emphasized an apparent need to provide sexual education to “primary and secondary school children,” claiming that such instruction “can significantly contribute to reducing sexual violence and harassment.”

Matić - a Croatian socialist with links to George Soros - crowed over the result, saying that it “marks a new era in the European Union and the first real resistance to a regressive agenda that has trampled on women’s rights in Europe for years.”

To their credit, European bishops had criticised the Matić report for its “one-sided perspective,” neglecting any concern for the rights of the unborn human being whose life is at stake. In a paper written in response to the pro-abortion proposal, the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) contradicts the notion of a “human right to abortion.” “A medical intervention of such magnitude cannot and must not become a normal practice” and is “ethically untenable.”

“There is no international human rights, or other international treaty, that provides for such a general ‘human right to abortion’ or a corresponding obligation of States,” they stated. In fact, the bishops asserted that the report “disregards the responsibility of the Member States to define their health policy and the organisation and delivery of health services and medical care,” thus usurping the sovereign rights of those states.



