Europe’s Christian Revival – Ignored But Very Real

There is a Christian revival going on across Europe – but the atheistic liberal controlled mainstream media refuse to tell us about it.

Here is an interesting video from Dr. Stephen Turley. His basic argument is that there is a worldwide turn to conservative values, traditionalism, and nationalism, in the US, Eastern Europe, the EU, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, South America, in fact, all continents, and that this change is being driven by the loosening of the liberal, globalist grip on information flow due to technology.

Worshippers in France
Turley is a theology, Greek, and rhetoric teacher in the booming classical education movement, which is predominantly conservative. He is a former Protestant from Connecticut who converted to Orthodoxy. He speaks about the Russian Orthodox Christian revival in this video.

Turley hosts a rapidly growing YouTube broadcast where he discusses these trends and political events generally from a conservative viewpoint.

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