Gender Madness Hits Ohio

Gender Madness Hits Ohio

‘Consequences’ for telling the truth! That’s the state of America today as LGBTQ+ gender lunacy gets worse by the week.

A sixth grade Ohio boy was pulled out of gym class in front of his classmates the day after his art teacher overheard him telling three girls his friend — who is “transitioning” to a girl — is “a boy, not a girl.”

The 11-year-old had been warned by the assistant principal earlier that May 14 morning that “there might be consequences” to asserting his friend is a boy, and referring to him with male pronouns.

“You can have your own beliefs,” but his friend “wants to be called a girl,” she told the student.

What sort of lunacy has a school claiming that saying that a male is a male is a ‘belief’?

However, after Florida-based religious liberty law firm Liberty Counsel threatened legal action over the incident in July, the unnamed Ohio school board now says the student’s “temporary removal” from gym class was not “formal disciplinary action,” according to a Liberty Counsel press release.

Liberty Counsel is claiming victory after the school district also confirmed in a July 15 response from its lawyers that no student will be punished “for expressing respectful disagreement on the subject of transgender claims by other students.”

The board further confirmed it “does not discipline students for using certain pronouns in referring to students or coerce any student to use a particular pronoun.”

“Staff may inform students that a particular student prefers to be referred to as a particular pronoun. However, that would only occur with consent of the student and his or her parents, but no student would be required to use the preferred pronoun.”

According to a redacted letter from Liberty Counsel to the board documenting the incident, the student, or “John,” was a friend of “Boy A,” who began identifying as a girl in the spring of 2019.

Since that time, school administrators “including the assistant principal, the art teacher, and the music teacher, all refer to [Boy A] by female pronouns such as ‘she’ and ‘her,’” the letter related.

“Administrators have told other students that [Boy A] ‘is a girl,’ and that the students must call [Boy A] ‘she’ and other female pronouns, and consider him a female,” it stated.

Moreover, during art class, John sat at a table in front of three girls and Boy A and routinely was forced to listen to their conversations affirming the latter’s transition.

On May 13, the letter states, the girls claimed that “taking girl hormones” and getting his “male private parts removed” at a future date would turn Boy A into a girl.

John disagreed “as a factual matter” and said “he is a boy, not a girl,” and another boy at his table also agreed, saying: “Yeah, you are what you’re born with.”

The art teacher then reported the three boys for “bullying” and accused one of them of referring to Boy A as a “flaming homosexual,” an allegation John adamantly denied, the letter states.



