KT Serbian Fact-Finding Mission
KT Serbian Fact-Finding Mission
Follow @KnightsTempOrgA delegation from Templar Irish HQ, led by Brother Dowson, visited the Serbian capital Belgrade in the summer to see grass roots community projects being carried out in the city.
We were met by our old comrade Misa Vachic, who is a well-known political figure, patriot and renowned supporter of the Christian remnant in Islamist-occupied Kosovo. As usual the hospitality we received from our Serbian brothers was superb and we were given a full tour of the poor neighbourhood where community activism has made a real difference.
Brother Misa proudly showed us a marvellous community sports facility, containing an outstanding football pitch, training and boxing gym, indoor sports hall and a first class bar and restaurant.
We visited several such community-led projects, done by local people with little or no state involvement. This reinforced the Templar position on separation and withdrawal from mainstream society for our people. It can and does work, as seen in these projects!
Such shining examples serve to remind us that withdrawal is not inaction, but there must be a bond that unites people in a common cause. In Serbia, the common factor is faith; the people involved are all devout Orthodox Christians. From the leaders of the projects to the youngsters using them, the central issue is their Orthodox faith and their patriotic fervour.
This fact was very clearly on show in their premises, with every room having several religious Icons in prominent positions. Religious and patriotic music plays over the PA systems, unlike the hip hop brain-rot music in state-run youth facilities in the West.
Unlike most other organisations, the Templars believe in action more than words. Too many groups which claim to share our outlook fail even to attempt to turn theory into reality.
Hence we are intent on documenting and researching successful Christian Nationalist projects like this, so that we can impart this knowledge to patriotic groups world-wide. Talking and day dreaming are fine for woman, children and old men, but we Knights of Christ are sworn to ACTION, to save our people, in carved out safe ‘homelands’ where OUR folk can not only survive but grow and THRIVE!
To this end we are uniquely placed with our world-wide network of firmly established, capable and accomplished Christian patriot militias and organisations. While others rant on social media platforms about the “Decline of the West”, the Knights Templar Order International are working quietly and efficiently behind the scenes, all over the planet, to ensure that our people WILL survive, and so that the One True Faith is promoted and strengthened at all levels of society. Deus Vult!