
Life After COVID: A Look At The New Economy

Many Americans have been locked down in their homes for more than a month now, and they’re anxiously awaiting the day when things “get back to normal.”

I regret to inform you, that we’re never going “back to normal.”


Terrible depravity at elementary school in Texas

There was a time when schoolteachers – especially in elementary schools – had to have moral integrity as well as academic knowledge in order to teach children. People of a certain age remember that. But those days are gone. Unfortunately, most parents either don’t realize it or don’t care.

Protest "Lucifer" TV series

Netflix has brought back a series titled "Lucifer" which centers around the devil as a "likeable" character and victim of tyrannical and overbearing "God." Initially begun on Fox, the series is supposed to open its fifth season, though production has temporarily ceased due to coronavirus. 

The hidden London secrets of the Knights Templar

Tucked behind London’s Fleet Street, a patchwork of gardens and graceful buildings tell the story of the most famous knights of the Crusades.

Protect women and babies in Northern Ireland

Despite the global crisis the Westminster government in London has decided to proceed in imposing an extreme abortion regime in Northern Ireland.

Genocide of the Greeks 1913-1923 [VIDEO]

The Genocide of the Greeks, Armenians and Assyrians in their homeland by the Ottoman Turkish State and continued under the Nationalist Kemalist Turkish State.

Over 3,500 years of history erased in only 10 years.

StayAtHome Is Murder. Getting Infected Is the Only Way Out of This — Precisely What They’re Keeping Us From

The Covid Rouge are shifting goalposts. We were told the shutdowns and lockdowns were necessary to “flatten the curve”. The danger we were told, was not that COVID would kill millions outright, but that because so many of those infected would require hospitalization and ventilators that hospitals would become overwhelmed and could not offer help to those who could have otherwise been saved.

So — we were told — what we needed to do was sacrifice by staying inside to reduce the rate of transmission. If we did so maybe, just maybe we would be able to “flatten the curve” just enough that most of those who needed professional help in care centers would receive it.

Happy Saint George's Day

On Behalf of The Knights Templar we want to wish all of our readers a very happy St George's Day.


Templar Report Live - Jayda Fransen

Jayda Fransen guest hosts the Templar Report!

The Knights Templar Order