NYT Publishes Pro-Doxxing Op-Ed
NYT Publishes Pro-Doxxing Op-Ed
Follow @KnightsTempOrgThings just got real on the op-ed page of The New York Times, which publishes this op-ed by a London-based “human rights” scholar named Kate Cronin-Furman. In it, she calls for doxxing those working in border detention. Money quote:
The identities of the individual Customs and Border Protection agents who are physically separating children from their families and staffing the detention centers are not undiscoverable. Immigration lawyers have agent names; journalists reporting at the border have names, photos and even videos. These agents’ actions should be publicized, particularly in their home communities.
This is not an argument for doxxing — it’s about exposure of their participation in atrocities to audiences whose opinion they care about.
Of course it’s an argument for doxxing. What the hell does Kate Cronin-Furman think doxxing is? She says in the piece that what’s happening at the US-Mexico border is not on part with the Cambodia, Rwanda, and the Holocaust … but then writes as if US Customs and Border officials and employees are in the same moral ballpark as Auschwitz guards.
Seriously, read the whole thing.
The Times has crossed an important line here. Do the editors and journalists of The New York Times, as well as Kate Cronin-Furman, want their names and faces and addresses made known as participants in doxxing for the sake of a political cause? Because that’s what they’re going to get — and they’re not going to have any moral defense.
This is an extraordinarily irresponsible move by the Times, and very much a sign of what’s to come in the next year. The Times has lost all sense of perspective.
Source: The American Conservative