Scotland abortion numbers rise to second-highest ever on record
Scotland abortion numbers rise to second-highest ever on record
Follow @KnightsTempOrgAbortion statistics released by Public Health Scotland show that the number of abortions carried out in Scotland reached the second-highest number on record in 2020.
This significant rise in abortions has accompanied the Scottish Government introducing a temporary measure in March 2020 allowing ‘DIY’ home abortions in Scotland.
Official figures showed there were 13,815 abortions carried out in 2020 – the highest total since 2008 and an increase of 209 from 2019 when there were 13,606 abortions. The figures also show an increase in the abortion rate from 13.2 per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44 in 2019 up to 13.4 per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44: this is the highest termination rate recorded since the 1991 regulations were introduced.
The figures show a 20% increase in late-term abortions performed at 20 weeks or later gestation.
5020 (36%) abortions were repeat abortions in 2020, up from 4581 (34%) in 2019. This represents a 10% increase in the number of abortions that are repeat abortions.
209 disability-selective abortions were performed in 2020. Public Health Scotland suggested the actual figure could be higher due to under-reporting stating that “Ground E terminations have been under-reported in some settings”.
There were significant increases in abortion for a number of age groups. This included a 4% increase for 25-29 year olds, an 8% increase for 30-34 year olds, a 10% increase for 35-39 year olds and a 12% increase for 40+ year olds.
This significant rise in abortions accompanied the Scottish Government introducing a temporary measure in March 2020 allowing ‘DIY’ home abortions in Scotland.
Since ‘DIY’ home abortions were introduced, a number of significant problems have arisen.
According to a leaked “urgent email” sent by a regional chief midwife at NHS England and NHS Improvement on the “escalating risks” of ‘DIY’ home abortions, several women attended Emergency Departments for incidents including significant pain and bleeding, ruptured ectopics, and resuscitation for major haemorrhage. The email leak also revealed police opened a murder investigation into the death of a baby who they believe was born alive despite her mother taking ‘DIY’ home abortion pills.
A nationwide undercover investigation found evidence of abortion providers putting women at significant risk by not carrying out basic checks before sending them ‘DIY’ home abortion pills.