The Ten Pillars of Modern Chivalry

The Ten Pillars of Modern Chivalry

The principles of Chivalry and traditional values been largely forgotten in decadent and mentally diseased modern society. They need to be restored. It is the responsibility of all Templar Knights and Dames to represent chivalric values in their own lives and professional activities, leading by example, to promote and advance those principles for the benefit of current and future generations.

A concise understanding of Chivalry and chivalric values is also essential to defining the activities of the Templar Order, which its Knights and Dames pursue in real-world practice. Meaningful activities reflecting the values of Chivalry are perhaps the most important and tangible characteristic of the Order.

The ideals of Chivalry are also known as the “Code of Chivalry”, the iconic code of conduct which was made famous by the medieval institution of knighthood. The essence of Chivalry involved bravery, skilled training, and dedication in service to others.


The French historian and archivist Emile Leon Gautier (1832-1897 AD) diligently reconstructed the authentic Code of Chivalry from the historical record, creating the first “popular summary” of the original 11th century “ancient code of chivalry.” We have in turn further developed this ground-breaking work into a Templar Code for the 21st Century. Ancient ideals for the challenges of the future!

The Ten Pillars of Templar Chivalry:

  1. Believe in the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, and apply them in daily life
  2. Defend traditional Christianity, cleaving to your own confession but respecting that of others
  3. Respect and defend the weak against abuses by the strong
  4. Love the people and sovereignty of your country, for they are ordained by God
  5. Do not be a coward, face the enemy, and use direct force
  6. Fight the enemies of good relentlessly and without mercy
  7. Perform all secular duties under the higher Laws of God
  8. Never lie nor breach your word, be reliable for friend or foe
  9. Give generously and wholeheartedly, striving to make a difference for the better
  10. Always uphold right and good, against all evil and injustice

In a very real, practical and meaningful way, values are the “pillars of civilization”. The promotion of values, and the resulting inspiration which values convey, actually have the tangible effect of generating desirable behaviour within society. In this way, the expression of values forms the very foundations of law, custom, public policy, and the culture of society.

With the ‘modern’ West infected with various virulent strains of atomised and selfish individualism, cynical and ugly anti-idealism, and subverted by the worship of False Gods – from Allah to Money and on to Satan – there was never a time when a revival of the true Christian values of the original fighting Templars has been more urgently needed than today!



