Water War Looms as Govt Screw Farmers
Water War Looms as Govt Screw Farmers
Follow @KnightsTempOrgThe war on American farmers by the Democrat elite is about to get even more serious.
Farmers in the United States have reached a breaking point.”The governments of California and Oregon are deliberately depriving farmers access to the critical water resources they need to grow crops, even when those resources are readily available.
The problem isn’t “drought,” it turns out. That’s just the cover story to push a climate crisis that will eventually be invoked to justify “climate lockdowns.” The real problem is corrupt government.
In California, the government is emptying fresh water into the ocean, draining reservoirs that were nearly full just two to three years ago. In Oregon, the government is refusing to release water from Upper Klamath Lake, depriving downstream farmers of water they own via long-established water rights.
These water restriction tactics are being deliberately weaponised as part of an engineered plan to bankrupt food producers. The water exists to irrigate crops, but that water is being withheld on purpose. No doubt, once independent farmers have been driven to the wall, the Democrats' big business cronies will swoop in and buy up their land. Bill Gates is already the biggest owner of arable land in the USA.
The farmers who depend on this water are seeing their livelihoods (and families) destroyed by these acts of government-sponsored terrorism against America’s food producers, so some farmers have decided to take matters into their own hands.
It looks like things are headed toward a standoff.
“The farmers are now in such a dire situation and with a food supply already on a razor’s edge of disaster, they say they will release the water themselves,” reports SHTFplan.com.
Farmers in Oregon are protesting because they own the water in the Upper Klamath Lake, farmer Dan Nielsen told RT’s Ruptly video agency. He stood outside an American flag-colored tent that was set up next to the canal headgates, which control the flow of irrigation water from the lake. “It’s ours and the federal government actually just stole it. No due process of law, no compensation,” Nielsen said, adding that federal officials had violated the locals’ property rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.eds] don’t budge… I think we’re just going to end up taking it,” Nielsen said.
Thousands of farmers on the Oregon-California border have been left without a steady water supply by the closure of the canal. Klamath Irrigation District president Ty Kliewer said that “the impacts to our family farms and these rural communities will be off the scale.”
The farmers are now in such a dire situation and with a food supply already on a razor’s edge of disaster, they say they will release the water themselves.
They spoke about releasing the water themselves if the government does not back down. “If [the Feds] don’t budge… I think we’re just going to end up taking it,” Nielsen said. “It’s the only way the government gets it.” In order to avoid confrontation, officials must let farmers use the water for their crops or purchase the land from the farmers, he said.
“I’m planning on getting DC’s attention,” another outraged farmer, Grant Knoll told Jefferson Publis Radio this month. “We’re going to turn on the water and have a standoff.”