
Hate-Crazed Mobs Demand Execution Of Christian Woman In Pakistan For ‘Blasphemy’

Thousands of Islamist extremists have held hate-filled protests all over Pakistan today, in order to pressure judges to uphold a death sentence for a Christian woman convicted of blasphemy.


The Rhodesian SAS

These are the men who fought Communism to a standstill in southern Africa at the height of the Cold War.

Massive Communist Infiltration of Catholic Church in 1930s Caused Current Pedophile Crisis

The Stalinist anti-Christian mission is now about to reach its goal two generations after Stalin, at a time when the West is facing the second coming of Marxism … With a weakened and demoralized Church, the new atheism will face little if any resistance in the West as it begins to take control and subvert the remains of Christian culture.



We live at a time when people are becoming increasingly vindictive. Their morals are deteriorating and their minds are darkened.

This day in history: The Battle of Hastings

On this day in 1066, England was wrenched from the Scandinavian/Germanic world and tied instead to the French/Latin world. One of the most significant battles in world history took place on 14th October, 1066, ending in victory for the invaders, disaster for the English and changing the nation forever.


Liberals Are Destroying The Second Amendment Through The Backdoor

‘Liberal’ politicians in the USA have long wanted to cripple the First Amendment – and now they’ve hit on a way to do it through the back door!


This day in history – 1479, combined European army led by Hungarians smashes Ottoman invasion

One of the greatest victories of the Christian resistance against the Ottoman attempt to conquer central Europe took place today in 1479.

King Arthur, The Holy Grail and Camelot

The legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table is one of the most powerful myths in the “Ancient Matter of Albion”.

Robert the Bruce & the Knights Templar

BANNOCKBURN has long been heralded as Scotland’s finest victory over the English.

The Knights Templar Order