
Christians knifed, forced to eat pages of the Bible in horrific Venezuela attack

A group of Venezuelan Christians have been subjected to a brutal attack that involved them being slashed with knives and even forced to eat pages of the Bible.

Sweden's Imported Rape Wave

Third World immigration is a crime against women! That's the lesson that leaps out from the latest rape statistics published in Sweden.

Pope’s new doctor says COVID is a ‘normal disease’

Pope Francis’s new personal physician said last November that COVID-19 is “a normal illness.”

Italian media reported last year that Professor Roberto Bernabei, 69, the head of Geriatrics at the Agostino Gemelli University Hospital in Rome, had discussed the virus in a grave but reasoned tone.

California To Ban Boys & Girls Toy Sales

California is sliding into complete absurdity. A bill that would fine department stores up to $1,000 for having girls and boys sections for toys threatens to become law as the state's law-makers are eaten up by liberal lunacy.

UK police says woman praying alone outside abortion center violated COVID restrictions

In measures taken supposedly in the name of public health, U.K. police removed an elderly lady praying outside her local abortion clinic, escorted her home in the police van, and claimed she was too far from home with no reason to be outside. Police said she would be fined for a breach of COVID regulations.

The Robots ARE Coming!

"The Robots Are coming" is the title of one of the 28 chapters in our thought-provoking, life-changing book Deus Vult - Reconquista of the West. This chapter examines the way in which, after the apparently false start of the 1960s, robots are now breaking out of their recently normal factory environment on a scale that has enormous implications for the whole of our society.

This video gives a fascinating glimpse of what's just around the corner. Is it good or bad? It could be either. Introduced into a society run on healthy, moral, Christian lines, technology such as this could be a boon to humanity. Imposed on an already crushed population of 'Great Reset' techno-feudal serfs, it is more likely to be monstrous.

Either way, it certainly bears thinking about.

The wide-range of subjects tackled fearlessly from a staunchly Christian Nationalist perspective has already made Deus Vult - Reconquista a much-valued classic. We have heard of a group of home-schooling traditional Catholics in Ireland who have made the book core reading for their older children - the boys in particular. Whatever you think of robots, you need to read the book!

5 things to know about the anti-family Equality Act

With control of the presidency and both houses of Congress, Democrats are finally poised to enact their extreme anti-family and anti-life agenda into law.

This week, House Democrats are expected to approve the Equality Act, originally passed in the Democrat-controlled House two years ago, which supporters tout as the most sweeping pro-LGBT bill in American history. The Equality Act also would be a major win for abortion providers by effectively codifying Roe v. Wade, according to numerous pro-life groups.

George Washington Statue Threatened - At Washington Uni

When the statues of Confederate war heroes first came under attack, we immediately warned that this was only the thin end of a very thick wedge. The aim was not to eliminate the memory of men tainted by involvement in a cause associated with slavery; from the very beginning the real target was ALL 'Dead White Males' - who are of course symbolic of all live White males too, for we are the ultimate targets.

The latest example of just how right were were is news from the University of Washington, where the Black Student Union has garnered nearly 8,000 signatures on a petition that demands the school remove a statue of its namesake George Washington

Baby born two weeks below abortion limit goes home after 4 months in hospital

A baby born at 22 weeks weighing only 500g has just gone home after four months in hospital.

Baby Sofia Viktoria Birina was due on the 1st February 2021, but instead was born in University Wishaw Hospital on the 2nd October 2020.

The Knights Templar Order