
Life-Changing Call to Arms

“The most exciting, comprehensive and gripping book of hardcore traditionalist nationalism produced in the English language for decades. In fact, I can’t think of any set of patriotic writings that begin to come close to what the authors of Deus Vult- Reconquista of the West have achieved.”    Jayda Fransen


The Great Reset: Pope tweets society must ‘build back better’

The Pope has sent a tweet with words that are central to Joe Biden’s plan to 'remake America' in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

California Sheriffs' Lockdown Rebellion

As the Democrat election-cheats move to tighten their corona plandemic grip on Americans, more and more signs of lockdown rebellion are breaking out all over the USA. Decent law-enforcers are stepping up to the plate to defend freedom and common sense.

Christian woman sues Starbucks for firing her after she refused to wear pro-LGBT shirt

A Christian woman in New Jersey is suing coffeehouse chain Starbucks for being fired after refusing to wear a shirt celebrating homosexuality and transgenderism, which she said violated her religious beliefs.

EU Joins the War on Christmas

The long-running 'war on Christmas' waged in the USA by atheist lobby groups and greedy corporations is now being rolled out in earnest in Europe under the guise of fighting the fake covid pandemic. A European Commission “communication” on December 2nd avoids mentioning the word, but urges that a number of measures be taken all over the EU, including severe limitations on “ceremonies” and a ban on “communal singing.”

Police remove teen girl from Australian parents over their ‘abusive’ refusal to let her ‘transition’ to boy

An Australian magistrate ordered that a gender-confused teenage girl be removed from her home after the magistrate called the parents’ refusal to allow her to ‘transition’ into a boy “abusive.”

The Suicide of a Civilisation

Suppose an anthropologist were asked, apart from the sound and fury of current politics, what were the signs of a dying culture, or a culture committing suicide? What might he respond, as following from human nature and from the terms of the question itself? What might he notice in our own?

Such a culture would be more preoccupied with death than with life; and this preoccupation might be manifest in a variety of ways. It would promote a right to die on your own terms, but no right to live, rather only a permission to live, provided that you possess certain qualities that people acknowledge as useful or as ushering you into the fold; and what these qualities are and how they shall be recognized will shift with political exigencies and sentiments. Life is no gift, but a mere thing, to be disposed of at will, like garbage. Nothing is sacred—not the body, not the soul, no place, no object, no name, no human persons, no history, no songs, no God.

Boko Haram massacre kills at least 110, kidnap wives and children

At least 110 rice farmers and fisherman have been brutally slaughtered and beheaded by suspected Islamist militants in Nigeria.

Covid Jab Infertility Warning

A former research chief at Pfizer is warning that the covid vaccine being rolled out in Britain from next week may prevent the safe development of placentas in pregnant women, resulting in “vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile.”

The Knights Templar Order