
Templar Castles: Château Pèlerin, Palestine

Château Pèlerin, also known as Atlit Castle and Pilgrim Castle, is a Crusader fortress located near Atlit on the northern coast of Israel, about 13 kilometres south of Haifa. The Knights Templar began building the fortress in 1218 during the Fifth Crusade.

Sunday Service - Servant of Christ

"If we don't serve Jesus, we serve Satan". Pastor James delivers a masterful sermon on the Apostle James and the concept of service. Listen to a truly Christian take on spiritual maturity, reflect on some much-needed criticism of deceitful evangelical clergy who condemn a man for drinking a glass of whisky but assure women that they are free to murder their own babies. Above all, take on board what the Epistle of James and its insistence on service has to say to YOU.

Inspirational, soul-saving stuff! Watch it! Take it on board! and SHARE to help spread the Word!

Archbishop: Mothers must protect children from the state

Former papal nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has written a letter to mothers in Italy, warning them that they must protect their children from corruption by the state. 

Lockdowns caused 31% drop in heart attack treatments

During the German coronavirus lockdown in March and April, hospitals treated 31 percent fewer cases of heart attacks and 18 percent fewer cases of strokes than at the same time last year, a recently released study found.

Templar Report - Kenosha Shooting

What's our opinion of the Kenosha shooting and what it bodes for the USA? This fine example of the daily Templar Report deals with this, together with guest presenter Jim Dowson's opinions on several other important news topics. Plus a little bit of Scripture and a glimpse into the unique camaraderie shared by our band of brothers and sisters worldwide.

Take a look and, if you like what you see, come and join us online at 6 p.m. UK time every weekday evening, and for the Sunday Service. And SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! 

Kights Templar Castle, Bagras, Turkey

Bagras is a castle in the İskenderun district of Turkey, in the Amanus Mountains. The castle was erected c. 965 by the Byzantine emperor Nikephoros II Phokas, who stationed there 1000 footmen and 500 horsemen under the command of Michael Bourtzes to raid the countryside of the nearby city of Antioch.

Portland Clashes Show Road to CivilWar2

Dramatic footage of clashes between patriots and far-left BLM agitators has emerged from Portland.

The video is from Vice News, a leftist news outlet that openly hires and aids Antifa thugs, so you need to take the commentary and the spin with a pinch of salt; but the actual footage of heavily armed Americans just an incident away from starting to slaughter each other is perhaps the most graphic illustration of the slippery slope down which the country is already sliding.

Patriots and Christians need to take note, and to understand that the big cities are the natural preserve of the enemy, and will become death zones at the very start of open conflict. "Get the hell OUT!"

Polish nuns save 18th ‘window of life’ baby

Franciscan religious sisters in Poland discovered a newborn baby in their convent’s ‘window of life’ box, a place for parents to leave a baby whom they can no longer take care of. It is the 18th baby who has been left there in almost 12 years since the box was put in place. 

MSM Kinosha Lies VIDEO

The self-defence shooting of three violent anarchists by 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse in Kinosha has exposed the blatant and shameless dishonesty of the corporate Fake News media. The report below is typical of the liberal coverage, which all gives the impression that Rittenhouse is some kind of aggressive white supremacist nut who opened fire on innocent protesters who just happened to be running down the street.

The reality - all of which was captured on video clips which are still widely available - is that the violent far-left mob included men armed with both handguns and assault rifles. The leftists and BLM rioters were firebombing and trying to burn down buildings and threatening the groups of men who had answered the call to protect property and residents. Multiple shots were exchanged between the rival sides at the garage lot where the incident started.

The Knights Templar Order