
Lockdown-free Sweden: Just 12 new infections per million people

Lockdown-free Sweden saw its coronavirus case rate drop below its Nordic neighbours Denmark and Norway today to just 12 new infections per million people over the past week.

UN Assault on Religious Freedom

The United Nations has been at the dark heart of the drive to use first 'climate change' and then Covid as excuses for dictatorial global government ad the destruction of our industrial economy.

And now fresh light has been shed about the United Nation's deep hostility to traditional values. A United Nations Special Rapporteur has written a UN report that takes to task traditional religious beliefs and values regarding life, marriage and and reality of biological sex that they respect. 

Irish govt spent $3M+ on chemical abortions in 2019

Ireland’s Health Service Executive (HSE) spent $3.4 million funding chemical abortions (abortion pill) in 2019, according to Carol Nolan TD who revealed the “staggering” number in response to a parliamentary question. The money was paid to general practitioners (GP) and does not include money spent on surgical abortions or chemical abortions committed in a hospital setting.

Templar Report - Deus Vult Book Reading

Nick Griffin gives us an insight into the reality of live in multicult Sween, discusses the growth of political violence in the USA, and reads from the final chapter in the new KT book, Deus Vult. As he says, this part of the book crystalises its unique combination of analysis, idealism and practicality.

Thanks for watching, thanks for sharing.

Templar Fiction Movie

The grip that the Templars have on the popular imagination is illustrated by the classic cult movie. Be warned, though, this film is as much about the history of the Knight's Templar as Star Wars is about the space programme!

It's tosh! Pure tosh! But if you're happy with a lusty story of gore, revenge and a ludicrous plot line, then grab a beer or two and dim the lights! Just don't take anything in it seriously.... and perhaps make a date to watch the next Sunday Service to make amends to the damage done to your immortal soul by another dose of Hollywood entertinment.

UK schools normalizing LGBT sexual practices with a GAME

The British government has been funding a game teaching 13-year-old students about sexual acts, including homosexuality.

End Times Technology

How should we appraise the arrival of technologies that seem to be tracking us in our every movement and every transaction of our daily lives? The Old Believers, as we know, refused to cooperate with registration and passport requirements altogether, because they believed that appearance of the Antichrist was imminent, and that the secular government, being a tool of Satan, would use every means sooner or later to seduce the world into accepting the so-called “Mark of the Beast” as spoken of in the Apocalypse. Today, however, we have the census and more: Our passports, our social security numbers, our REAL IDs, and our smartphones bearing all kinds of personal data regarding our whereabouts, our business conduct, and leisure activities, while even unguardedly sharing unbeknownst amounts of data here and there with various secular agencies. With the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic, there is even talk now about introducing universal contact tracing systematically in this country—something that has already been done by the internal security services in Israel, though not without controversy. At what point do faithful Christians refuse to accept these technologies in order to be numbered, not among those who will be made to drink “the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out” upon those who have received the Mark of the Beast (according to the Book of the Apocalypse [Rev. 14:9-10]), but instead, among the those who resisted, who Scripture reveals to be “the redeemed”, “without fault before God”, the “144,000” [Rev. 14:4-5]?

Barclays Bank Cancel Christians

Barclays Bank has unilaterally decided to withdraw banking services to one of their customers, a Christian organisation, the Core Issues Trust (CIT),  following pressure from high-profile LGBT activists. Barclays has been the lead sponsor of the LGBTQ+ Pride in London parade for several years.

The Scots: A salute to the chieftain at the games

At the end of a long day competing and socialising the massed pipe bands gather for the results and salute The Chieftain of the Day with Hielan' Laddie.

The Knights Templar Order