
The Islamic Doctrine of Migration

Islamification through mass immigration is one of the great challenges and threats of our time.This incisive video cuts through all the liberal waffle about ‘tolerance’ and explains what is really going on.


Be Fearless! Military motivation series

Don’t have fear in your life it will stop you from reaching your dream because you will be afraid to fail to try new things to improve your dream and you won’t like grinding to get to your dream because you think if I get there I’ll fail. No, you won’t don’t be afraid to grind and never give up and push to your dream until you get there.


UK Wakes up to Islamist Time Bomb

Young imams are being trained in a network of hardline Islamic schools across the UK that have been accused of promoting intolerance, a secret Government report has warned. This time, the threat comes not from radical Wahhabi ideas spread with Saudi Arabian money, but from the fundamentalist Deobandi sect, whose strength in Pakistan makes it extremely influential in many Muslim communities in Britain.


Hate Speech Laws Are Coming to Ireland

After the last number of years of looking across the Irish sea in abject horror at the police state the UK is rapidly becoming, it seems that the reaper has finally come for us too, just as we always knew it would.



The Francis Vatican should hang its head in shame.

Jihadists Planned to Attack Macron's Palace

Details about a recently foiled terror attack are now coming to light as French authorities have revealed that jihadists planned to lay siege to Élysée Palace, among other targets, at the start of Ramadan, local media reports.


Hidden Templar: Come Out Of Babylon

As western liberalism is approaches its end, the lord's anointed must prepare. The greater distance you can put between your family and the damned, the better! 

Templar Report: Terror and Venezuela

Remember way back when then candidate Donald Trump promised to scale back on foreign intervention? Has the war and big oil lobby seized control of the White House?

SPLC spill beans on YOUR Replacement

“You can’t stop it. It’s been planned for a while.” That’s the dispossession of Majority America they’re talking about – and it’s in a lecture by the far-left, ‘anti-racist’ Southern Poverty Law Center.


The Knights Templar Order