
Parents MUST Unite Against Liberal Poison!

What’s wrong with the British majority? You know, the ones who answer to ‘white British’ or ‘white Irish’ or ‘white Other’ in the census. The ones whose grandparents were Christian, or who say they themselves are Christian. Because something is DEEPLY wrong with these people when – yet again – the only opposition to pro-LGBT brainwashing in London primary schools comes from Muslim parents.


Breaking News: Notre Dame is on Fire

The world famous Notre Dame is on fire. Fire fighters are currently at the scene tackling the blaze.

The Hidden Templar: Swords into Ploughshares

Meek is NOT weak! Liberal Christians are eager to twist the ideal of meekness into a recommendation for surrender, appeasement, weakness and failure to confront evil. The Hidden Templar returns with a Sunday Sermon which confronts this perversion of the Bible head on.


Bikers Hold Protest for Soldier F

The roar of thousands of motorbike engines throbbed through Central London yesterday as patriot-bikers protested at the May regime’s persecution of an old soldier who served his country in Northern Ireland. Thousands of bikers gathered from all across the country to ride on Westminster, to show support for ‘Soldier F’.


Templar Report: Millennial Narcissism

De-platforming is a terrible thing, no one knows that more than The Templars, but there are some people out there who well and truly deserve it...

Americans Just Keep Getting Poorer

Americans are getting poorer at an astonishing rate.

The ‘Clinic’ Profiting From Genital Mutilation

Fortunes are being made from the genital mutilation and drugging of children who are groomed by the evil people who profit from their confusion and abuse.

Be Ready When the Lights Go Out

If you live in the city, you might find yourself in a situation without power. Out in the sticks, that could just be inconvenient, but in many modern urban areas, it could be EXTREMELY dangerous. Here is a guide on how to be prepared for such an occasion.


No Tears For Julian Assange

The dramatic arrest of ‘whistleblower’ Julian Assange has produced some sympathy for the Wikileaks boss. Not just among liberals and leftist supporters of the treacherous freak Chelsea Manning, but also among some patriots.


The Knights Templar Order