
Look Who’s Stealing Your Taxes

The fact that America is funding Israeli expansionism is not new, however, in this must watch episode Jake Morphonios delves into the scale of that broad daylight plunder of Americans’ taxpayers’ money.

A Templar Report Special

The dawn of a religion is upon us. It is the religion of hybrid cars, veganism, censorship and eventually persecution and slaughter. This new religion is called Environmentalism! 

Brussels Goes Full 1984

The new unelected head of the European Union, Ursula von der Leyen (above), has unveiled her new team of EU Commissioners. Their job descriptions and responsibilities are vauge, oddly overlapping and bound to cause confusion. This is Brussels bureaucracy at its worst.

Majority of Satanists Are LGBTQ

“It would be a conservative estimate to say that more than 50 percent of our membership is LGBTQ,” the head of the Satanic Temple said in a recent interview.

General Flynn – Sandbagged But Innocent!

The memory hole that appeared in America’s zeitgeist around 2016 is expanding like some evil cosmic rot. Things happen and then things unhappen and after a while it’s like they never happened. For instance, little seems to have happened all summer long with the matter known as RussiaGate, the attempt by high US government officials to overthrow the result of the 2016 election by pretending that Russia was trying to interfere in the 2016 election.


Templar Report: Burkinis before Brits

Imagine donating your entire life towards a worthy cause, in this case an organisation dedicated to saving your fellow citizens from drowning, only to discover that your money was spent on Burkinis for Muslim girls in Africa...

“Shoot Whites” – Rap Star’s Social Media Rants

“If any white guy or white girl is trying to talk s**t about you, shoot them!”, a popular YouTube profile JCBUZ urged in a closed group on social media.

Forgotten Hero of Christendom

King Baldwin IV, one of the greatest warrior princes in history, is known for guarding the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem through one of its most perilous periods.

Templar Report: The Drums of War

The recent attack on Saudi Arabia's oil fields have created tension in the region and the western neocons are once again pushing to send your sons and daughters onto the battlefield.

The Knights Templar Order