
KTI Visit Original Templar Town

Imagine walking through an entire Knights Templar town! Approaching along the dusty old pilgrims’ road, the massive stone wall that encloses and guards the settlement gives you and your companions some welcome shade from the late afternoon sun.

Trump Calls Out Liberals On ‘Tolerance’

President Donald Trump became the first U.S. president to host a United Nations meeting on religious freedom, telling the international body that America “stands with believers in every country who ask only for the freedom to live according to the faith that is within their own hearts.”

Why are the Knights Templar Relevant?

You may be wondering…WHO ARE THE ‘TEMPLARS TODAY?

Grand Mufti of Bosnia gives Qur'an reading in Westminster

Isn’t this heartwarming? How generous! How ecumenical! Now: when will the Bible reading in mosque be? What’s that? Never? Why not?

Look Who's Talking Sense On Global Warming

One of Britain's most knowledgeable. weather experts is not only an unspoken critic of the theory of man-made global warming. Astro-physicist Piers Corbyn is also the elder brother of Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Templar Tradition Honoured In France

The Knights Templar are remembered with pride and affection in a part of France that makes some of the best wines the Old World has to offer.

Taqiyya , Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism

Saudi Arabia knows nothing about Islamic extremism. If you believe that, you’ll believe anything! Taqiyya is the Islamic doctrine that permits a Muslim to lie to an Infidel in order to save himself from persecution or so as to advance the Jihad to spread Islam. And this age-old system of deceit is clearly alive and well in Saudi Arabia!

Abortionist Horded Dead Babies

Is this about saving money on ‘waste’ disposal, or do baby-killers believe they get some kind of Satanic power from mass murder of the Innocent and collecting their little corpses?

Meat Ball Hate Crime - “The World’s Gone Mad”

A British restaurant owner is furious after Google’s offensive content filter took issue with an advertisement for a traditional regional dish, mistaking it for a homophobic slur and deleting the ad for its ‘hateful’ content.

The Knights Templar Order