
Getting Off-Grid – start-up guide

It’s becoming more and more obvious by the day that the best way to deal with the aspects of liberal society that we Christians and traditionalists cannot stomach is simply to move out of their reach.

Why Homeschooling Is Now VITAL

Conservatives in the United States have long considered public schools as little more than liberal indoctrination camps. As the country rapidly secularized in the aftermath of the sixties, schools echoed the gathering rebellion against order, propriety and common decency. Politics is downstream from culture, but so too, is education. It takes very little effort to deduce that the civilizational breakdown seen all around us in America has also wrecked our public school classrooms.


The Hidden Templar: Rejecting Terrorism

Not a day goes by without news of some further liberal clampdown on the people the Lying Press like to call ‘right-wing extremists’. There is no doubt that some of those so labelled are indeed extreme.

How Stupid Do Dems Think Americans Really Are?

Just how stupid do the Democrats think the American people really are? Judging by their ridiculous new Impeachment move, the answer has to be "very".

Brexit - what happens next?

The Remainers clearly think they are very clever, and indeed their exploitation of the fact that the Supreme Court is now packed with liberal elitists has been cynical, cunning and effective.

Jesus’ Trial, Crucifixion, Death, and Burial

Good Friday is the most difficult day of Passion Week. Christ’s journey turned treacherous and acutely painful in these final hours leading to his death.


Tax-Dodging Amazon Abuses Christians

They bend over backwards to ban anything that could possibly offend Muslims, American Indians, Jews, homosexuals or transsexuals , but Amazon thinks it’s just fine to sell tacky Halloween costumes that are deeply insulting and hurtful to Christians.

Templar Report: UK The Brink of Civil War?

The supreme court ruling against Parliament and the 17.M people that voted for Brexit has rocked the UK. 


National Petition: Brexit Betrayal, Sack the Supreme Court!

Democracy and Brexit Hopes overturned by liberal judges!

The Knights Templar Order