
REAL Hate Crime – Guess What Police Do!

After a serving soldier was savagely beaten in a cowardly sneak attack, it took the police more than six months to summon up the scrap of courage necessary to publish  CCTV stills of the main suspect over the near murder.

The Smack Head Wrecking Counter-Jihad Movement

While English counter-jihad activist Tommy Robinson is in a dangerous, Islamist-infested prison, the man who has taken over running his website while he is locked up for confronting Muslim grooming gang members is causing CHAOS in his movement at the very time that its members should be campaigning for him to be properly protected in prison.

Templar Report: Patriotic Boris?

The "right-wing" British press have been trumpeting the newly elected Prime Minister Boris Johnson as a true man of the right, but is the fan fair justified? 

Wrongly Arrested Missionary Wins £2,500

Once upon a time, Britain sent missionaries to Godless Africa, where they were often killed. Now, Africa sends missionaries to Godless Britain, and increasingly they are persecuted (although not yet eaten!).  Oluwole Ilesanmi aged 64 was accused of being Islamophobia when he was preaching outside Southgate Tube station in London in February of 2019.

Europe Faces MILLIONS More Migrants

“We are facing the biggest wave of migration in history. If we open the floodgates, no European government will be able to survive for more than six months. We advise them not to try our patience.” — Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu.

Tommy Robinson – Free Speech Explosion

A dramatic shift is taking place in Britain’s ‘counter-jihad’ movement. With Tommy Robinson outrageously locked up for confronting grooming gang members, the second-rate hasbara (more on this below) agents running the show completely while he’s away have made such ham-fisted moves against several key former Tommy allies that all hell has broken loose!

Alex Jones Appeals To Donald Trump

Alex Jones has delivered a dire warning to President Donald Trump in the form of a special video (which someone uploaded on YouTube but which will probably get deleted soon).

Gay Pride Month...Almost Compulsory Now!

As we approach the end of July, all across the world, homosexuals and their supporters are gathering to “celebrate” the end of Gay Pride Month.

Spokeswoman for Amnesty Charged with Fraud

We cannot say we are shocked by this story. Yet again, we see one of the liberal, peace and tolerance brigade caught with their hand in the cookie jar...

The Knights Templar Order