
Tucker Slams Canadian Internment Camps

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has taken aim at Canada’s policy of quarantining travelers in “designated facilities” — hotels that critics are calling “internment camps.”

“What if your next-door neighbor suddenly went dangerously insane and started holding people hostage in his house?” asked Carlson.

“Canada, the land mass directly to our north and our single largest trading partner, with whom we share the longest international border in the world, took a dramatic move towards legitimately dangerous authoritarianism,” he continued. “Yes, Canada.”

1,345 abortions in Northern Ireland since March 2020

The Department of Health in Northern Ireland has revealed that there have been 1,345 abortions in Northern Ireland since abortion was imposed on the region in March last year.

As part of the ongoing row between Westminster and Stormont over the commissioning of abortion in Northern Ireland, the Department of Health in Northern Ireland released figures showing that since 31st March 2020 there had been 1,345 abortions in the region.

Blasphemous Film of Mary Gets Good Friday Release

Sony Pictures is releasing a new film on Good Friday that severely blasphemes Mary, the Mother of Jesus, by portraying her as some sort of devil.

Based on James Herbert’s horror novel “Shrine,” the film “The Unholy” depicts a young girl who “after a supposed visitation from the Virgin Mary is inexplicably able to hear, speak and heal the sick.” 

Viewers quickly find, however, that much darker forces are at work.

Sex-selective abortion kills baby girls, but feminist leaders insist abortion is a social necessity

It is one of modern feminism’s many twisted ironies that abortion, championed as the essential key to women’s liberation, is predominantly used to kill females because they are female. More than 100 million baby girls are missing worldwide, most of them the victims of feticide.

China’s population suffers a staggering shortage of women because the One Child Policy and a cultural preference for sons has resulted in untold carnage in the womb for baby girls — and those who survive are often murdered through infanticide.

Penal Times Mass Ban Returns to Ireland

The Irish government has confirmed that it is an offence punishable by law for a priest to celebrate public Mass.

It is also an offence for a priest to leave his home to celebrate a public Mass other than a funeral or wedding and a similar crime for a parishioner to leave their home to attend Mass.

Such a 'law' has not been imposed in Ireland since the worst days of the persecution of Catholics (and Presbyterians) under the old Anglican Ascendancy.

Depraved Satanic-themed male stripper music video and Satan's sneakers

Rapper Lil Nas X has been promoting his 'Satan Shoes' sneakers this week, each of which include a drop of human blood. He has also released a most deprived music video depicting himself giving Satan a lap dance - all of this during Holy Week. Make no mistake, the only pandemic at the moment is the sexualisation of our children - Lil Nas X is a rapper who has said that his key audience is children.

WHO Steps Up Global Power Grab

A group of 24 world leaders - and the head of the World Health Organisation Dr Tedros Adhanom - pounced yesterday to exploit the artificial covid crisis in the latest push for One World Government.

Headed by Boris Johnson, heads of the floundering European Union, and the Marxist boss of the World Health Organisation, the elite puppets called for a new international accord similar to those agreed after the Second World War.

Writing for newspapers across the world - including The Daily Telegraph - the leaders also urged a new era of solidarity in the face of what they call 'the biggest challenge to the global community since the 1940s'.

No Place In Hell....

There is no place in Hell hot enough for people like the teacher in this video. To set out to instill guilt in one group of children for the colour of their skin, while stoking resentment and potentially hatred among others, is absolutely unforgivable.

In this case the offender is a Brit, but leftist teachers in the USA, Canada and indeed in every Western nation are just as bad.

CDC finds masks, indoor dining bans don’t stop virus

Masks and bans on indoor dining do little to stop the spread of  COVID-19, according to a new report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Infection, and media outlets that covered the findings downplayed the results.

According to the CDC report, published March 12 in the agency’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, while mask mandates and indoor restaurant bans did decrease daily cases of COVID-19 and deaths, the results were a correlation and a tiny one at that.

The Knights Templar Order