
LGBTQ+ Bigots Want To Jail Mother Of Five

The LGBTQ+ lobby continues its campaign of intimidation against anyone who questions their growing tyranny.

Knights Templar – full documentary

The Knights Templar were essentially the most powerful and elite fighting force in the history of Christendom. They guarded thousands of travellers to the Holy Land from bandits and Muslim slave raiders.

Truth-Teller Tulsi Storms Into Lead

The other Democrat candidates are terrified of her. The fake news media either ignore or smear her. Google and other liberal high tech corporations are trying to sabotage her campaign. But Tulsi Gabbard won the last Democrat debate hand down.

Overcomer – Must See Movie

With the silver screen still dominated by the frequently violent, often perverted, sometimes even Satanic products of Hollywood, Overcomer is a welcome Christian movie.

The Disgracing Of Disney And Resistance

Walt Disney would turn in his grave at such twisted decadence carried out under his name. The company which was once a byword for wholesome, innocent children’s entertainment has turned itself into a grotesque promoter of deviancy and the recruitment of children to the LGBTQ+ culture of death.


Templar Report: Satanism and Abortion

A video showing a drag queen performing a gruesome fake abortion on itself using fake blood, guts, and a plastic fetus has outraged Christians (and most sane people) across the world.

Christian books Banned, Paedophile Poison Sold

Christian authors who once identified as gay or lesbian are highlighting the double standard Amazon is applying by removing their books from the platform while continuing to sell titles that promote paedophilia.

Nationalist Voters Turn Against Pro-Abortion Parties

Thousands of Catholics and Nationalists have vowed never to vote for parties which refused to help stop the UK’s Westminster parliament impose Europe’s most liberal abortion laws on Northern Ireland.

No More U.S. Taxes For Al Qaeda!

The pledge to stop wasting American lives and taxes in ‘endless wars’ in the Middle East was one of Donald Trump’s most popular election promises.

The Knights Templar Order